You're More Amazing Than You Know: The Ultimate Guide To Thriving As A New Mom

-Discover the hidden strengths you never knew you had-Why trying to be the perfect mother will hurt more than help-From managing sleep deprivation to finding me time-Learn how, why and when to prioritise yourself-Remember, a happy mom makes for a happy baby

A Letter From Me To You

Dear Mama,I know you're tired. You're exhausted. You're sleep-deprived. You're probably a little bit overwhelmed. And that's okay.Being a mom is hard work. It's the hardest job in the world. But it's also the most rewarding.You're doing a great job, Mama. You're loving your child unconditionally. You're providing them with a safe and loving home. You're teaching them how to be kind and compassionate people.You're doing a great job, Mama. And I'm so proud of you.I know there are days when you feel like you're not good enough. You're not doing enough. You're not measuring up.But I want you to know that you are enough. You are more than enough.You are the mother your child needs. You are the mother your child deserves.So don't ever give up. Don't ever doubt yourself.You're doing a great job, Mama.With love,

From One Mama To Another

I wrote this because like you, I was new to this shtick not long ago.Like you, I felt scared and lonely.Like you, I felt like nothing I did was good enough.Like you, I struggled with my identity and my confidence.But unlike you, I didn't know what I know now and that's why I did this.Consider this a token of compassion, love and wisdom that I so very wish I had when my beautiful daughter came into this world.

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The Proof Is In The Pudding

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